The Preventative Law Initative why go to court if you don't have to?
PLI has adapted the concept of Preventative Law to family law. It is CAL's legal education project. Its primary purpose is to operate legal education programs at high schools, colleges and community and social service organizations in Cook County, Illinois in order to educate individuals, families and social service providers about potential negative legal consequences. At the core of the Initiative is a workshop, focused around an interactive role-playing game that combines inquiry-based learning, cognitive restructuring, Socratic dialogue, and other techniques to teach problem-solving and conflict management skills in adult and youth populations. PLI’s workshop encourages individuals to improve their family relationships, all while helping these individuals realize their full potential, become self-sufficient, and create lasting community change.

PLI for Middle School and High School
PLI for middle and high school students primarily focuses on disrupting negative behavior and incorrect beliefs that behavior comes out of. The primary tool used for middle and high school students is the role-playing game that combines inquiry-based learning, cognitive restructuring and Socratic dialogue through a law informed lens.
Seminar details
- Legal education
- Role-playing game
- You're Not Ready: Exploring the Legal and Finacial Consequences of Pregangnacy
- Self efficacy and decision making skill building
PLI for Young Adults
PLI for young adults and college students addresses practically issues while also utilizing the role playing method. Young adults and college students also have the opportunity to create parenting plans and roommate agreements in order to prevent future court involvement by learning to communicate and create a plan for common issues that arise in these areas before they become problems. In additional to this we inform participants about how the civil legal system works and basic laws and pitfalls people fall into resulting in negative court involvement.
Seminar details
- Legal education
- Role-playing game
- You're Not Ready: Exploring the Legal and Finacial Consequences of Pregangnacy
- Self efficacy and decision making skill building
- Anticipatory roomate and parenting agreements
PLI for Adults
PLI for individuals and families focuses on bridging the gap between knowledge and actions to reduce uninformed decision-making that often leads to negative court involvement. PLI focuses on thinking proactively when it comes to housing and family matters. We help people create parenting agreements, family plans, roommate agreements and deal with child support issues during these clinics.
Seminar details
- Legal education
- Role-playing game
- Self efficacy and decision making skill building
- Anticipatory roomate and parenting agreements
PLI for Service Providers
PLI for service providers seeks to inform service providers about the legal process as well as empower them to be better advocates for the court involved clients as well as to think preventatively when working with individual and families to prevent or mitigate negative court involvement. Service providers is a broad and inclusive term if you feel that this term fits you or your organization please contact us.
Seminar Details
- Legal education
- E-filing
- Role-playing game
- Anticipatory roomate and parenting agreements
PLI Pyschoeducational Groups
PLI pyschoeducational groups are for young adults ages 15+, for adults and pregnant and parenting teens of all ages. The purposes of psychoeducational group therapy include teaching the participants about their particular issues, reducing/mitigating symptoms of the issues. By being in a group setting, other people who are going through the same experince can meet and discuss their experinces. contact us.
Pyschoeducational Group details
- Legal education
- Role-playing game
- Anticipatory roomate and parenting agreements